欧洲股市周五收跌,较上一交易日触及的历史高点有所回落,但本周仍大幅上涨,因为市场继续评估今年乌克兰和平的可能性以及美国总统特朗普可能征收关税的影响。欧元区STOXX 50指数下跌0.2%,收于5488点,昨日创下25年来的历史新高,而泛欧STOXX 600指数下跌0.3%,收于552点。特朗普宣布了逐国互惠关税计划,最早将于4月生效。医疗保健和保险公司领跌,安联、安盛和慕尼黑再保险下跌2.5%至2.5%。与此同时,赛诺菲下跌1.6%,而诺华、诺和诺德和阿斯利康在欧盟以外也出现了类似的下跌。与此同时,爱马仕削减了早期涨幅,但在报告了今年强劲的销售后,收盘上涨1%,提振了LVMH和开云集团的股价。考虑到整个星期,STOXX 50上涨3%,STOXX 600上涨1.5%。
European stocks closed lower on Friday, easing from the record highs touched last session but still rising sharply on the week as markets continued to assess the likelihood of peace in Ukraine this year and the impact of potential tariffs from US President Trump. The Eurozone’s STOXX 50 eased 0.2% to close at 5,488 after reaching a record high for the first time in 25 years yesterday, while the pan-European STOXX 600 dropped 0.3% to 552. Trump announced plans for reciprocal tariffs on a country-by-country basis, set to take effect as early as April. Healthcare and insurers led the losses, with Allianz, AXA, and Munich Re dropping between 2.5% and 2.5%. In the meantime, Sanofi lost 1.6% while Novartis, Novo Nordisk, and AstraZeneca had similar declines outside the bloc. In the meantime, Hermes trimmed early gains but closed 1% higher after reporting strong sales in the year, lifting LVMH and Kering shares. Considering the full week, the STOXX 50 added 3% and the STOXX 600 gained 1.5%.