China’s 10-year government bond yield rose to around 1.61% as traders digested the latest inflation data. On Thursday, reports showed that China's annual consumer prices edged lower to 0.1% in December 2024, from 0.2% in the previous month, aligning with market expectations and marking the lowest level since March. Meanwhile, producer prices declined by 2.3% year-on-year in December, easing from a 2.5% fall in November and in line with forecasts. This marked the 27th consecutive month of producer deflation but the softest contraction since August. These figures underscored mounting deflationary pressures in China, despite ongoing monetary and fiscal support measures. Earlier in the week, official data indicated an uptick in services activity, with the PMI rising to 52.2 in December from 51.5 in the prior month. This represented the sector's fastest expansion since May, signaling a sustained expansion in service-driven economic activity.