新西兰股市周五早盘上涨25点,涨幅0.2%,达到12931点,此前两个交易日表现平平,金融、能源矿产和耐用消费品主要推动上涨。周四,华尔街股市表现强劲,提振了市场情绪,因为唐纳德·特朗普总统宣布了征收互惠关税的计划,尽管这些计划不会立即实施。在国内,1月份的工厂活动近两年来首次增长,创下2022年9月以来最强劲的扩张。本周,新西兰元50指数将在四周内首次上涨,迄今为止上涨约0.2%,人们对储备银行在下周举行的今年第一次会议上可能下调现金利率持乐观态度。国内食品通胀数据在1月份创下2.3%的年度新高,进一步限制了涨幅。一些领先者包括Skellerup Hlds。(1.6%),萨默塞特集团总部。(1.3%)、Seeka有限公司(1.2%)和Sky Network TV(0.8%)。
The New Zealand stock market added 25 points or 0.2% to reach 12,931 in early trading on Friday, following two muted sessions, with financials, energy minerals, and consumer durables mainly driving gains. A robust session on Wall Street Thursday bolstered sentiment, as President Donald Trump announced plans to impose reciprocal tariffs, although they will not be implemented immediately. At home, factory activity in January grew for the first time in nearly two years, recording the strongest expansion since September 2022. For the week, the NZX 50 is poised to rise for the first time in four weeks, up around 0.2% so far, with optimism building over a potential cash rate cut by the Reserve Bank in its first meeting of the year next week. Capping further gains were domestic food inflation data that hit a year-high of 2.3% in January. Some top movers included Skellerup Hlds. (1.6%), Summerset Group Hlds. (1.3%), Seeka Ltd. (1.2%), and Sky Network TV (0.8%).